What Is IVF?


What is IVF?

IVF stands for In vitro fertilization which is the most common and effective kind of assistive reproductive technology (ART). Assistive reproductive technology (ART) involves various IVF Procedures for the treatment of infertility in both male and female. Infertility is a condition where couples are unable to reproduce babies through natural means. However, through advancements in medical sciences, the treatment of infertility issues both in male and in the female has become miraculously possible and infertile couples have been taking advantage of this since the assistive reproductive technology has become globally acceptable and is quite successful.

Natural Way of Reproduction

In order to understand IVF Treatment, and how it is a cure to infertility, it is important to have a slight understanding of the natural phenomenon of the conception of a child within a female body. When a sperm enters the female body, it travels to fallopian tubes in order to meet the egg released by the ovary within it. As soon as the sperm joins the egg, the fertilization process starts and we can say that the conception process has begun. Later on, the fertilized egg divides and moves towards the uterus. However, many factors prevent the union or fertilization of the egg and sperm, which in turn raises the condition of infertility.

IVF Treatment

IVF treatment assists the union of the egg and the sperm outside the human body in a conditionally controlled environment within a laboratory. The fertilized egg or eggs are later transferred to and implanted in female uterus. One complete cycle of the IVF Process may be completed within 2-4 weeks. IVF treatment is usually applicable in the following cases:

1. Fallopian Blockage: When there is damage or blockage within the fallopian tubes preventing the union of the egg and sperm.

2. Fibroid Tumors: The presence of fibroid tumours in the wall of uterus fails the implantation of fertile eggs.  

3. Insignificant Ovulation: When the ovulation process is either inconsistent or absent or maybe producing insufficient eggs.

4.  Uterine Tissue Un-implantation: The implantation of uterine tissue occurs outside the uterus.

5.  Sperm Mal-functionality: The presence of abnormalities in sperms’ functionality lessens the chances of conception.

6. Other Disorders: Unexplained infertility conditions and genetic disorders become a barrier in conception and fertilization.

IVF Process & Procedures

There are five general steps within IVF process.

1. Stimulation of Eggs: During IVF treatment, the production of eggs is triggered through the administration of fertility drugs. IVF procedure requires consistent regulation of blood tests and ultrasounds.

2.   Follicle Aspiration: The second step of IVF the process is the retrieval of eggs produced during the IVF stimulation process.

3.  Male Insemination: This step of the IVF process requires the collection of male sperms and its union with the eggs (retrieved through controlled IVF procedures) in a Petri dish.

4.  Culture Formation: Next phase in the IVF process is the formation of the embryos with continuous monitoring of embryos formation through well-defined IVF procedure.

5.  Embryo Transfer: This phase of the IVF process requires the transfer of fertilized egg into the female body. 

Regulatory blood tests are performed later in IVF treatment in order to know the status of pregnancy. IVF treatment has gained worldwide recognition due to its growing success stories.

In Pakistan, IVF Treatment was first introduced in 1985 and since then, it is gradually gaining growth and popularity. IVF treatment is known for its successful outcomes achievable through controlled contemplation and optimization of every IVF procedure that is involved in a particular cycle of the IVF process.  Today, IVF treatment in Pakistan has gained popularity among infertile couples and people have become comparatively much aware of it. Various Health Clinics and hospitals are struggling to provide the best IVF services.


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