For the treatment of infertility problems in a couple, InVitro Fertilization (IVF) has emerged as a blessing as it allows an infertile couple to successfully conceive pregnancy and carry it to its full term. Infertility is a medical disorder whereby a couple is unable to naturally conceive a pregnancy or carry it to its full term even after having unprotected sex for more than 12 months. Ivf is a kind of Assisted Reproductive Technology(ART) and is used for the treatment of both female and male infertilities.



In the IVF process, various medicines and injections are suggested by the infertility specialists for the couple in order to make sure maximum production of eggs in the female ovulation period and sufficient production of sperms at the male's ejaculation time. The eggs from the female reproductive system and the sperms from the male reproductive system are obtained and technically allowed to go through the fertilization process in a laboratory. Once the Fertilization process begins, the embryo is placed inside the female's uterus lining where the process of pregnancy is assumed to begin. IVF follows the care of the couple until the delivery of the child. In casual language, the baby born through IVF is known as a test tube baby. IVF is a costly technique and its cost depends on the number of IVF cycles and the need for other associated techniques.

In certain cases where there is repeated IVF failure, PGS is initialized to detect the cause of failure. PGS is a preimplantation genetic screening recommended to check for any chromosomal abnormality in an embryo. PGS is possible with the ICSI process and it is applicable where frozen embryo transfer is suggestive for the couple.

PGD is another technique whereby the gender of an embryo is detected during the IVF process. It may also be used to diagnose an embryo's genetic or chromosomal abnormalities or for patients who have repeated pregnancy losses or multiple pre-implantation IVF attempts. This embryo biopsy technique helps determine the gender of an embryo with 99% surety.

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is another technique whereby the selected sperm cell is directly injected into the egg. Similarly, intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a procedure whereby the washed sperms are directly placed inside the uterus and allowed for the fertilization process to begin. Laparoscopy on the other hand helps infertility specialists to biopsy the presence of tumors or cysts in a body and suggests relevant treatment for some of the causes of infertility.



Apart from the assisted reproductive technology, there are other traditional ways through which some causes of infertility can be treated. These are the complementary and alternative methods that are less costly and most of the infertile couples who can't afford the (ART) expenses adopt these processes. Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are adopted by infertile couples based on religious and cultural beliefs.

CAM influences the health conditions of infertile partners by bringing about changes in lifestyle, setting up special diets and exercises, advising alternative herbal medicines and therapies like acupuncture, adding religious supporting aspects like prayers, religious talismans, etc. According to a research study, most of the infertile females who after adopting CAM were able to get pregnant after minor changes in their eating habits and diet plans. For instance, females with infertility issues increased the use of beans in their diet, while infertile men increased the use of seafood for eventually raising up their fertility powers.

Many couples reported adopting Chinese therapies and use of acupuncture techniques along with the use of reflexology, homeopathic remedies, and body massage. Most of the people worked out on bringing about yoga, peace therapy, and increased religious faith. CAM is reportedly bringing peace and stamina in physical and mental health that eventually heals up the underlying causes of infertility and helps to achieve pregnancy.


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