Natural Pregnancy After Infertility

Although it is rare yet possible to achieve natural pregnancy after infertility has been diagnosed. This is accomplished when couples go through medical and surgical procedures known as Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and procedures especially via in vitro fertilization (IVF). According to a research study, it is found that approximately 20% of couples became pregnant naturally after being treated through ART.

Success Stories of Couples With Unexplained Infertility

In most cases, couples are found to be sub-fertile rather than completely being infertile. Moreover, according to recent research on success stories of couples with unexplained infertility, it is found that about 10% of couples have a medical condition of unexplained infertility. However, couples with unexplained infertility have found to have a 50% chance of getting pregnant naturally within 12 months of unprotected sex following medical procedures.

IVF vs IUI Success Rate

A modern study on unexplained infertility enlightened that after three unsuccessful attempts of intrauterine insemination (IUI), generally known as FASTT (The Fast Track and Standard Treatment), couples who undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) experiences a higher success rate. Hence, for unexplained infertility IVF success stories are becoming more popular than even a couple after 30 years of marriage was able to achieve pregnancy via in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Assistive reproductive technology (ART) and procedures are getting more fame with the passage of time as more couples that are infertile are coming up with their pregnancy success stories. Whether it is a case of female infertility or male infertility, the success rate of IVF has found to be more than or at least 33% as compared to the success rate of IUI treatment that is approximately 5%. The majority of couples are able to achieve pregnancy through IVF either on their first try or second try. Successful pregnancy achievement after a tenure ranging from one year or less to even more than two decades, reveals that with regular medical and surgical treatments and with consistent efforts infertility can be given failure.

Recent studies reveal that after the first attempt at IVF 33% of couples achieved their pregnancy and successful childbirth. However, this rate has increased with more than one cycle attempt. Unsuccessful IVF first try could result due to many factors. However, when given a second try, the chances of successful conception and live birth of a child becomes more influential.

On the other hand, the success stories relating to IUI treatment announces positive result after the first try approximately 5% to even 20%. However, it is found that even the success rate is 95% achievable at the third or fourth attempt, depending on many underlying factors.

ICSI and Frozen Embryo Success Rate

Multiple types of research have revealed that the Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) procedure is equally effective and as IVF treatment for infertility. Similar success rates are obtained for the first and second try via IVF and ICSI treatments. ICSI success rates, however, vary from case to case and also affected by factors such as age, sperm count, etc. An international study shows comparative data whereby (14) patients with age more than 41 years as compared to patients (337) with ages less than 41 but greater than 36 years, had a pregnancy rate of 24% after two IVF/ICSI treatment cycles.

The chances of conception with Frozen Embryo Transfers (ICSI-FET) are found to be 10% more successful as compared to fresh embryo transfer.


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